
#1 Haftarah Bereshit from Isaiah 42 - Israel is meant to be the Light to the Nations

#1 Haftarah Bereshit from Isaiah 42 - Israel is meant to be the Light to the Nations The haftorah of this week’s reading (Isaiah 42:5-43:10) opens with a statement by “the Almighty God, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who laid out the earth and made grow from it.” This echoes the Torah portion’s recounting of the creation of the world in six days.

God speaks to the prophet Isaiah, reminding him of his life’s purpose and duty, namely that of arousing the people of Israel to return to being a light unto the nations, “To open blind eyes, to bring prisoners out of a dungeon; those who sit in darkness out of a prison.”

The prophecy continues with a discussion regarding the Final Redemption, and the song that all of creation will sing to God on that day. God promises to punish all the nations that have persecuted Israel while they were exiled. The prophet also rebukes Israel for their errant ways, but assures them that they will return to the correct path and will be redeemed.

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Torah,Haftarah,Bereshit,Isaiah 42,Light,Israel,Light to the Nations,Rabbi Isaac,Pastor Isaac,

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