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The Love Sanctuary is a virtual community for inspired women who are passionate about experiencing more LOVE in their lives. Whether you are single and on a journey to co-creating conscious partnership or want to heal from heartbreak and create your epic new life, our community provides key insights, learning and resources to support you. We explore law of attraction, attachment styles and unconscious love programming, limiting beliefs and blocks to manifesting soulmate love
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Peta April is a love intuitive, heartbreak healer, coach and speaker for conscious evolving single women. She’s a passionate relationship revolutionary dedicated to enlightening and supporting you to transform your old wounds, beliefs and patterns around love to create an epic new life and relationship. Founder of the Love Sanctuary for women around the globe, she combines psychology, cutting edge NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) mindset tools, real-world wisdom and heart centred practices which guide you through an empowering process of heart healing and self re-invention to ultimately manifest your inspired life filled with love.
SUBSCRIBE New videos on Law of Attraction - love, dating, breakups and relationships uploaded 2-3 times per week.
Email: peta@thelovesanctuary.com
Abraham Hicks: Love & Relationships
Abraham Hicks: Heartbreak & Breakups
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