In SECP we can register our Company, Trust, Agencies and other kind of business which you want to do for profit or non profit. And secp also facilitate to register his company by online process as describe in article and the in video by just following simple steps.
For register a company in Pakistan just visit secp official website and create you login id as shown. After that apply for a company name. Company name is very important thing for your business and clients impact. Because company name will be a brand in future. So choose best name for you company registration which represent your item. Its most important thing for business registration so we have a detailed video on this topic for your company name you can watch it which will help you to choose best name for your company.
After Name reservation, you have to need to fill other form and document as shown. In form you can see your full company name like Sansser Entertainment Private Limited, and most important detail for nominee, Nominee will be a person who will hold the company after the company honor. After Nominee the most important thing is Capital of company in this section we will put Per Share Value, Total Share, Authorize total Capital and Paid-up Total Capital. For Company registration in Pakistan or other countries company capital is most important part of the company and the form is back bone for Company Incorporation in Pakistan.
Other most important documents are CNIC of directors and Nominee so must be attach the document with the application of company registration. Second most important document is MOA(Memorandum of Association) and AOA(Article of Association) you should fill it very carefully and shown you can download it form the link.
At the end you should submit the fee for company registration in Pakistan there are two type of method for fee submission first one Bank Challan and second one online payment method. You can pay online fee for company registration by debit card or credit card. After Paid the fee you will get your Company Certificate and other documents in seven working days. Most important thing is that when you incorporate you company FBR(Federal Board Of Revenue) automatically generate Directors NTN(National Taxation Number) and Company NTN.
After that make bank account on company name and each director deposit money against the Share value. Get Account Maintenance Certificate, Deposit (Which you have deposit the money for Shares) and MOA(Copy of MOA which send by SECP) all three documents will be verified by CA(Charter Accountant) and he will issue you subscription money certificate. Subscription Money Certificate upload on the SECP website after login as shown.
Its hole process of SECP company registration in Pakistan, if you any question related to company registration please comment.
How to Choose a Company Name | Best Business Name Idea
Sample of MOA & AOA
Secp E-Service
Article Of Associaiton
Memorandom Of Association
SECP Contact Numbers:
Islamabad (051)9208740-9206219
Faisalabad (041)9230264
Karachi (021)99213271-2
Lahore (042)99204962-6
Multan (061)9200920
Peshawar (091)9213178
Quetta (081)2844136
Sukkur (071)5630517
Gilgit (05811)922572