Everyday i am waking up with a photograph
I look at you thinking you were my better half!
Half the life i spend with you now
Those moments i cant believe are gone
These moments are the only thing we live for
And seeing these photographs i get so soar
Keeping you with me was the only thing i swore
And now your gone i cant live anymore
Looking at the photographs i only cry
But the thing that keeps me strong was that i tried
And our bond was so strong
I thought we would have lasted life long
But you left me like i was nothing
When i first saw you you were blushing
I thought you would be so loving
But to my surprise you were only bluffing
Cause the love i gave you was endless
And with you i was so selfless
I realized i was so careless
Believing you made me so breathless
And now i only wish that the time would have freezed
So that i would be living in peace
But now you're gone and wont be coming back
So I'd like to keep you in memories
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