Learn about Patrick Curry's book here:
NEW DECADE AHEAD SPECIAL HOROSCOPES for each sign! Free for superstars, or get the download for only $3.99 each at nadiyashah.com ! ✨🌟
You can now LISTEN to this horoscope as a Podcast wherever Podcasts are heard! The Podcast is always the first place this weekly horoscope is published. Find your favourite platform now at
Get exclusive, expanded week ahead videoscopes each and every week for your sign, unlimited access to all special horoscopes, and more by becoming one of my Superstars! Learn more and Sign up at
🌟Synchronicity University Winter Series 2020!🌟
💫Learn more and sign up now at SynchronicityUniversity.com
Sign up in August and Choose Your Own Tuition rate! Classes as low as $5 each!
Classes include:
1. Venus in the Astrology Chart
2. Pluto in Aspect to Planets & Points
3. Jupiter in Aspect to Planets & Points
4. Lunar Mansions in the Astrology Chart
5. Chart Rulerships In the Astrology Chart
*BONUS CLASS! Get your follow up questions answered!
💫Learn more and sign up now at SynchronicityUniversity.com💫
See Me Live Near you! Learn more and get direct links at Sign up at
🌟Love, Hope & Joy ✨– A Transformational Journey
🌞7 day cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Sea!🌛
January 12, 2020 - January 19, 2020
🌎🌟Join me for the once in a lifetime transformational event!
Sign up at
and join the facebook page for this event at
I recently saw the transformative power of being taken out side of your comfort zone, being brought into the water, for a transformational moment that stays with you forever. I am excited to announce my part in this very special experience.
World renowned astrologers include Nadiya Shah, Dr. Patricia Bell, Cassandra Joan Butler, Kenneth Miller, Samuel Reynolds and more Fabulous Speakers to be Revealed!
This journey includes:
Daily Astrological Seminars
Hands on Healing
Spiritual Rituals
Live Stargazing Every Night
Leaving Ft. Lauderdale, FL with stops in Coco Cay, Bahamas; Cozumel, Mexico; Puerto Costa, Maya; and Roatan, Honduras!
* Cabins are secured separately through the travel agent Hilde. Cabins start at $773 (tax incl.) per person for inside cabin. Cabins are double occupancy. Roommates can be arranged to help reduce this already very low cost for a full 7 day cruise event.
* To register there’s a non-refundable deposit of $250 to pay for your event registration. After paying your deposit, you will get an automatic email confirming your registration with further instructions.
It will be the transformational journey of a lifetime!
Our intention is to get you out of your comfort zone, and into something magical. Each day and night there will be activities, balanced with lots of free time to enjoy the cruise ship and the events onboard.
My sponsor K-Gold Jewelry is running an interesting campaign where they are offering 30 jewelry gifts to people in need!
Find out more here:
FRENCH VANITY FAIR Top 12 astrologers on the planet
REFINERY29 Top 10 astrologers on YouTube
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