
About Hinduism | Difference Between Brahmin And dravidians | Cambodia Hindu Temple | Part-2 |

About Hinduism | Difference Between Brahmin And dravidians | Cambodia Hindu Temple | Part-2 | Hindu practices include rituals such as puja (worship) and recitations, japa, meditation, family-oriented rites of passage, annual festivals, and occasional pilgrimages. ... Hinduism is the world's third largest religion; its followers, known as Hindus, constitute about 1.15 billion, or 15–16% of the global population.
amils are the correct Aryans as per our Sanskrit texts. Read on.

The entire hindu religion is based on Tamil civilization.

All the gods are Tamil Dravidian gods and are dark skinned as per Sanskrit texts.Brahmins were / are Tamil Dravidians and all are dark.skinned where there were no mughal influence.

Caste system is dark skinned Tamil origin. Where ever Tamils reside there is caste system — South India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia Singapore Thailand Indonesia etc.. only other country in.the world that has similar caste system is Ethiopia. So caste system is a dark race origin.

Though the caste system is a taboo today and understandably so, it is a history marker.

Dravidian Tamils are the real Aryans. Ramayana is the war between Tamil king narasimhan vs Kannada king pulekeshi. Sivakamiyan saptham is the Ramayana. Sivakami writes that she is kidnapped by a Kannada king and her lover Tamil king will come and rescue her aka Aryan sita!

!Similarly mahabharata is the war between arkesari pandian vs kurunadu in Kerala. Read Tamil inscription. Pandian king aka pandavas defeats 100 chieftains in Keralam.

As per Ramayana and mahabharata, the people who took part in those wars were Aryans.Hence Tamils cutting across.all castes are the real Aryans. Brahmins didn't fight the wars, it is the Tamil Dravidians

Hence Dravidians are.the Aryans.

Adi.shankara says he is a dravida sishu, similarly all authors — Valmiki Agastya, Veda vyasa are all dark skinned as per their Sanskrit texts.

North India is a mughal.empire. Hindi is same as Urdu and all North customs are mughal.

Mehendi, roti food, biryani, sabji, holi festival (comes from mughal eid e gulabi as documented by Muslim authors in 15 century), clothing— Churidhar etc..are all mughal customs.

All customs and traditions in Ramayana and mahabharata are found in Tamils ( I am using Tamils to refer to all South Indians). For e.g. the cross cousin marriages of Lord Krishna and Arjuna is found in Tamils.

But North Indians never marry across cousins.

Similarly festivals are the same as Tamils etc..

Sanskrit is a sister language to Tamil and all stories in Sanskrit are the stories of Tamil people.

Finally— tell me, why Tamil kings inscribed Ramayana in every victory pillar and temple in South India and South East Asia temples— Angkor wat, prambanan, etc…?

Why for godsake Tamil Kings will write about a so called Aryan Raman defeating their own brother Dravidian Ravannan in all these victory pillar ???

I.mean why will tamils glorify their so called villain Aryan Raman?? Unless Tamils are the correct Aryans and Raman is Tamil king Narasimhan !!!

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