
Before you go to any spiritual organizations, Please watch this...They might control your mind!

Before you go to any spiritual organizations, Please watch this...They might control your mind! என்னுடைய மக்களுக்கு இந்த ஆன்மிகம் என்னும் பெயரில் மக்களை உபயோக படுத்தும் சாமியார்களின் உண்மை நிலையை எடுத்துரைக்க இந்த வீடியோ பதிவை வெளி இடுகிறேன்.

Read about cult :

Read this book: combatting cult mind control by steven hassan.

I respect our Hinduism & I'm the follower of spiritual philosophies from our Hinduism & Buddhism, but in India, we don't have much awareness about cult & its techniques to manipulate people.

They control behavior,information,thoughts & emotion to manipulate the people. This is very wrong because they separate you from your family by telling you that materialistic people don't understand the spirituality and they use you till you have money, you will start to become like child who is completely depend on your Guru, you can't function as normal in society. They provoke your desire to become like your guru, for that they have in-home program where they can use some mind-altering chemicals. Ask them to show how many people are enlightened from their organization? why are they hiding those information? Their ultimate goal is to make believe whatever they tell. All the healing they do is faith healing, read about it. Please don't be a victim! Please awake!


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