Unofficial conversational clip from Facebook with the Mediator Mystic (Risa) and her partner-in-Truth James Marshall (from Sacred Business) discussing Truth in human relating, and how the dedication to Truth allows for conscious relating to take on an intelligent unfolding through surrender, humility and devotional service. This video will be interesting to anyone venturing through the world and lifestyle of conscious relating, especially if there is a deeper dedication to Truth and the full surrender to Love that allows for the Union of Souls at Ground-level.
This clip covers: - what is Truth? (and the question of subjectivism/relativism) - what is genuine honesty, and how it appears in relating - the role of the body and how the ego manifests in the human form - arrogance, avoidance and self-defensiveness as traps in relating - Unwiring conditioning and patterning through loving relationship in dedication to Truth
Other video resources on this topic for further investigation: - "Entering the deepest Intimate Relating" (Aisha Salem)
Books: - "Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity and Activism" by Andrew Harvey