
Matt asks to prove that nothing has no causal powers, LOL

Matt asks to prove that nothing has no causal powers, LOL Nothing is the thing that stones think of

Being cannot come from non-being. Existence cannot come from non-existence. Reality cannot come from Non-reality. Something cannot come from Nothing. The law of cause and effect is the most universal law of all laws known. That is something that can be inferred by the explicit nature of non-being. It is the absence of anything. Therefore, the claim: Something cannot come into existence from absolutely nothing, stands by its own and does not require any further proof or demonstration.

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Something cannot come into existence from absolutely nothing.

"Nothingness" is a philosophical term that denotes the general state of nonexistence

Nothing comes from nothing (Latin: ex nihilo nihil fit) is a philosophical expression of a thesis first argued by Parmenides. It is associated with ancient Greek cosmology, such as is presented not just in the works of Homer and Hesiod, but also in virtually every internal system—there is no break in-between a world that did not exist and one that did, since it could not be created ex nihilo in the first place.

Nothing can be made from nothing—once we see that's so, Already we are on the way to what we want to know.

Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, 1.148–156

Argument: The argument that something cannot come into existence from absolutely no thing. is an assertion, you need to demonstrate this, I don't know for a fact that something cannot come from nothing. You assert without demonstrating that something cannot come from nothing, how do you know this? How can we test this?

Response: Absolutely nothing, as the absence of anything, can't do something. It has no potentialities, it is the contrary of being: Non-being. 0 x 0 = 0. That is inductive reasoning which does not require empirical demonstration and testing. Nothing has no ontological value to be taken seriously as a possible explanation of anything, since, its the absence of any being, it cannot produce being. This is obviously true, self evident, and can be taken for granted without the need to be demonstrated.

It's easy to demonstrate that everything comes from something (and it does!). I can demonstrate you that nothing can't produce anything simply by giving you an empty box and telling you to wait 50 years to see if anything is born out of nothing; there's your demonstration for you!

If there is is no logical contradiction contained within the concept of 'nothing' then it could, in principles, and in fact, exist. The state of non-being could be. But then , we would not be here to talk about non-being. And since we ARE here, non-being has never been, but being has always been. In time, and in eternity. An eternal being without beginning, and without end, exists. Fits perfectly with the one that named himself " I AM". I don't know of any other deity calling himself " I AM". That should be telling.

The Law of Cause and Effect is the most universal and most certain of all laws. Every material effect must have an adequate cause.

Per definition:

Being - can do something

Non-being - can't do something

Being can create being

Non-being can't create being

Something can do something

Nothing can't do something

Causes can cause things

No causes can't cause things

Something can exist somewhere

Nothing can't exist somewhere

Something can be sometimes

Absolutely nothing can't be sometimes

Existence can create existence

Non-existence can't create existence

Consciousness can create consciousness

Non-consciousness can't create consciousness

If there was nothing, there would still be nothing.

Since there IS something, there must always have been something.

“What is the sense of ‘possibility’ if the universe began to exist, and must have had a cause?”

The answer is “metaphysical possibility.” This is a modality in between physical possibility and strict logical possibility and is often called “broad logical possibility” by contemporary philosophers. To illustrate, it is strictly logically possible that “The Prime Minister is a prime number” (there is no logical contradiction here); but, notwithstanding, such a thing is metaphysically impossible (incapable of actualization).

The net energy of the universe is zero

Matt Dillahunty,The Atheist Experience,Atheism,Truth Wanted,

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