Diva is a tiny tiny baby who should have been playing with her family , tasting Christmas treats and enjoying the cozy family time. Instead she is FIGHTING for her life , uncertain of what is to come tomorrow.
Diva has been found BLEEDING and alone , at the edge of the highway. She was incapable of moving , her cachectic body had been drained off all life force. SHE WAS SIMPLY WAITING TO DIE AT CHRISTMAS DAY ! We are guessing someone drove her far from her home and simply wanted her to disappear there as she is bleeding and has a HUGE tumor. To avoid vet costs , they simply deserted her in Christmas day and forgot about her.
When volunteers noticed her , semi-conscious , they immediately asked for our help so DIVA was brought to our clinic.
DIVA's general state is CRITICAL : she lost much weight not being able to survive alone and with a huge tumor in the streets. She is cachectic as the giant tumor is draining all life force out of her tiny body. Her blood levels are also alarming , she has a serious infection and before everything she needs to be stabilized.
AFTER SHE IS STABILIZED WE NEED TO ACT FAST AND RESECT THE GIANT TUMOR so she can continue healing without its interference.This means she has to be ready for the operation VERY VERY SOON.
BUT BEFORE EVERYTHING DIVA NEEDS TO SURVIVE THE NIGHT ! Diva is in emergency care right now and she can not do this without YOU on her side. Imagine being stuck in a hospital in Christmas day , with a bleeding tumor and almost comatose , without anyone from your family around you... DIVA can not do this without YOU, please help her SURVIVE NOW...
Merry Christmas...