
Do You Really Want To Be Right? Would You Rather Be Right Or Happy?

Do You Really Want To Be Right? Would You Rather Be Right Or Happy? Would you rather be right or be happy? We all love being right; however, there are costs and consequences of pursuing being right. Let's say that we realise there are some costs of not being right, but how can we choose a different path?

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All these things we want to be “right about” are they actually necessary? Well if it's, about the ego boost then yes, it's worth it.

However, when I insist on being right, I am not considering the other person, and they usually end up frustrated and angry. Whether I am the winner or the loser of an argument the game is broken - there is always a looser.

being right vs. being happy,the cost of being right and the other options,the cost of being right,being right vs being happy,would you rather be right or happy,would you rather be right or be happy,the choice to be right or be happy,how to let go of being right,

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