The background music is adapted from Warhawk by Kevin Graham (lic# 512529).
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A Course in Excellence:
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I am improving. My life is improving.
Everything is improving for me. Everything is getting better for me now.
Everything is improving. Everything is getting better. My life is always getting better.
Every aspect of my life is getting richer, fuller, and more triumphant.
Every aspect of my life is getting dramatically better.
Everything is consistently improving for me.
I stand tall, as the universe expands.
Everything is naturally improving. I am aligned with infinite improvement. Continuous improvement.
My circumstances are improving.
I am improving.
I am in constant ascent. Perpetual ascent. I am eternally ascending.
Always higher. Continually upward.
All things are improving.
My conditions are improving.
My personal life is improving.
My finances are improving.
My relationships are improving.
My professional life is improving.
My physicality is improving.
I am a central principal structure of improvement.
Improvement issues forth from me like rays of light given the form of glory.
I am relentlessly improving myself.
I am becoming more disciplined, more focused, and more powerful.
Every day I'm getting faster.
Every day I'm getting leaner.
Every day I'm getting stronger.
Every day I'm getting better.
Every day I'm getting more powerful.
I am increasing in stamina, strength, skill, and ability.
I am increasing in success.
I am rapidly ascending.
I am prepared for victory. I am conditioned for victory.
I know that I am victorious. I am constantly victorious.
I am now victorious.
I am made for victory.
I am a positive and active principle.
I make my destiny. I am creating an epic glorious destiny for myself.
I will be remembered for my uncompromising excellence.
I am a superior force, always winning, always victorious.
I am increasing my excellence. I am rising.
I am reaching higher and higher heights.
I break through the clouds to brilliant radiant solar skies.
I am tremendously triumphant.
I am increasing in power.
I take hold of my life and direct it toward relentless increasing perfection.
My life is getting better, more successful, and more perfect.
I am living the triumphant life.
Everything is always getting better.
Right this moment, everything is getting better.
I revel in making things better. I revel in improvement.
I improve everything I touch. I improve everything around me.
I open myself up to receive a greater inflow of golden triumph.
I live life at its best. The best that life has to offer is mine.