But what’s next for League of Legends’ most popular cosplayer? Well, maybe he’ll become the next Shroud.
We've got all the latest news.
Written and Hosted by Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Edited by: Andrew Faigal (@Brrrning)
Footage courtesy of:
Damonte's determination, NA's issues revisited, All Stars invitations declined | Hotline League 101
Courtesy: Travis Gafford
Thank you: Zachary "Sneaky" Scuderi | Cloud9 LoL Announcement
Courtesy: Cloud 9
Eric Near the DNC | The Eric Andre Show | Adult Swim
Courtesy: Warner Bros. Television
Wambo Cambo
Courtesy: Sneaky
Listen Loco Ep. 95 - 2020 LCS Offseason and Player Salaries FT. Invert
Courtesy: Locodoco
Same shroud. New home.
Courtesy: shroud
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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