Honestly, it's been a pretty quiet one. Or maybe that's just because my memory barely covers the last 24 hours, let alone 365 days. Going back over the videos though, it looks like we had a pretty good year. Some of my favourite riding moments have come out of 2019, and we didn't break any bones this year so that's a nice bonus. And of course I couldn't not mention my fabulous trip to Canada with Kitty to stay with Faith, the clips of which constitute the majority of this video tbh. Absolutely cannot wait for our next adventure :)
2019 was my final year of uni, so at least until June my life was 33% studying, 33% stressing, 33% sleeping and 1% ponies. Now that I'm an actual adult, it's more like 50% work, 24% stress, 24% sleep and 2% ponies, so not a huge improvement tbh. Since horses are taking a bit of a backseat in my life at the moment, so subsequently is YouTube, so I'm sorry for not being around much. I can't make any promises for 2020, but we'll see what happens.
Instagram: jenny.m.equestrian
Jenny, Jed and Polly
*Audio credit to the copyright holder. No infringement intended. I am not profiting off this video. Use of audio constitutes Fair Use.*