MANY SHAPES AND SIZES. LET US SEW THEM TOGETHER. JEANS PERHAPS... MATERIALS THE SHAPES THEY CREATE FROM THE LINES THE MOVING ENERGY THE FILTERED ENERGY THE HONEY ON THE VINES... PASSING THROUGH CAPTURING.... THE WIRES AND THE VOID IN WHICH TO PLACE TO CAPTURE WITHIN THE AREA SPACE. IN WHICH MY FACE WILL OCCUPY THIS AREA ME AND THE AREA.. HMMM IS THIS 6+2 AREA 25 SPACE 44 OCCUPI 8/3=2.666 3/8=.375....KNOWING WHAT IS INBETWEEN WILL TELL US A MATH GEOMETRIC STORY OF THE OBLIGATION BECAUSE OF THE FACT Shape up the Honey, Solidify the Gold...all the gOLD....Wash and Rinse....split divide and multiply the divide....add from take away.....any combination of pi 933 can be replaced by , I C C or 933 as 9 is 3/6/9 as 3 is in six always the cross 2 or 5 or and 8 any combo on the cross....3 is replaced by L12 or U 21 as well 1A 4D G7..... 3x 1, 4 or 7 will recreate 3 as so L as U..2/5/8 x3 will create 666 as 3x8=24, 2+4=8...the line to connect will tell you more stories. I am not the only one doing this...