
Snake 'wreaks havoc' in hotel room after 'sneaking out of owner's luggage'

Snake 'wreaks havoc' in hotel room after 'sneaking out of owner's luggage' A stunned hotel guest was horrified to discover a huge snake when they checked into their room.  It is thought the reptile had climbed into the owner's luggage before their stay in Doncaster.  RSPCA inspectors were called to the hotel in Doncaster on New Year's Eve after the snake 'wreaked havoc'.  The kingsnake - which is a species commonly kept as a pet - was discovered at about 6pm.  The RSPCA has declined to name the hotel.  Inspector Sara Jordan said: “Staff were alerted and went to the room, saw the snake, closed and put towels up against the door and promptly called us.  “Suffice to say it was not what they were expecting on New Year’s Eve!  “When I arrived I literally had to take the room apart for an hour to find the snake."  Describing the lengths she had to go to in order to locate the animal, Sara said: “I moved the sofa bed, the bed, curtains, checked the bathroom and every other possible hiding spot then came to the conclusion that the snake must have gone behind the headboard or the desk where the tv was.  “We managed to lift the headboard off the wall but found no snake and then we finally lifted the TV desk off the wall there the snake was, all curled up and unaware of the havoc they’d wreaked!”  She continued: “The snake is in good condition and clearly has been well handled as it was perfectly happy to sit in my hand whilst I chatted to a member of staff on reception - a few guests even came up to say hello!  “I think it’s likely that the snake’s owner has brought the snake to the hotel without realising, perhaps they have escaped from a vivarium and into their owner’s suitcase.  “The snake is now safe and sound at one of our partner exotic specialists and will be rehomed after two weeks if no one comes forward."  Anyone who thinks the snake belongs to them has been urged to call the RSPCA on 0300 1238018.  Kingsnakes are native to Northern and Central America and occupy a large range of habitats in the wild including scrubland, forests and deserts.  They  mostly live on the ground and often hide in rodent burrows and under logs.  They are not venomous and kill their prey by constriction, feeding mainly on rodents, birds, other reptiles and amphibians.  An RSPCA statement said: "Many of the snakes the RSPCA’s officers are called to collect are thought to be escaped pets.  "We would always recommend owners invest in an enclosure suitable for the particular species and that the enclosure is kept secure (and locked if necessary) when unattended.  "Reptiles, particularly snakes, can be extremely good escape artists and will take the opportunity of a gap in an enclosure door, or a loose-fitting lid.  "It is possible to microchip snakes and we would recommend that owners ask their exotics vet to do this, so that snakes can be easily reunited if lost and found."


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