Just because the credits are rolling, that doesn’t mean the game is over. Head back to your home after these initial credits to trigger another cut scene.
When Kratos and Atreus head back to their home, the pair lay down to rest after their long adventure. For the first time in the game, it cuts to black, revealing a title card that reads “Years later…” Suddenly they’re awakened by a ferocious storm raging outside. After it tears off the roof of the cabin, Kratos goes outside to confront a hooded stranger surrounded by crackling lightning.
The wind blows to reveal Thor’s iconic hammer Mjollnir. Given that you killed his two sons, it’s not hard to imagine why the God of Thunder has come knocking.
In Norse mythology, Freya (sometimes synonymous with Frigg. God of War's Freya seems to follow the theory that Frigg and Freya are one in the same.) asked for everything in existance to pledge an oath to never harm Baldur. She only did not ask a mistletoe plant, seeing it as either too young, or inconsequential. It was Loki who sought the mistletoe, formed an arrow from its branch, and gave to Baldur's blind brother Hother to unknowingly throw at Baldur with the rest of the gods as they tested his invulnerability. This killed Baldur instantly, the first sign of Ragnorak.