Amina Usman visited Police Lines Qila Gujjar Singh where she interviewed a female police officer who was providing anti-riot training to a squad. ASI Nargis revealed that she got her anti-riot training from Turkey and is now responsible for training junior officers. The squad is being taught different formation techniques, as well as arresting techniques. ASI also told Amina that her squad was successful in dispersing the crowd at the recent unfortunate riot at PIC. She promised that the female police officers are no less than males and they will definitely excel at mob-handling in the future. For more interesting details on how this training is done, watch the complete video.
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Punjab Police,Qila Gujjar Singh,Police Lines,Police Lines Lahore,Qila Gujjar Singh Police Lines,Training At Police Lines,Police Anti-Riot Training,Anti-Riot Trainers From Turkey,Turkish Anti-Riot Training,Punjab Police Anti-Riot Training,Female Police Officers Training,How Police Officers Get Training,Training For Police Officers,Lady Police Officers,ASI,DPO,ASP,Training Of Police Officers At Qila Gujjar Singh,Amina Usman,