
5 Examples of Personality Disorder Thoughts (Antisocial, Narcissistic, Borderline, Paranoid, & OCPD)

5 Examples of Personality Disorder Thoughts (Antisocial, Narcissistic, Borderline, Paranoid, & OCPD) This video answers the question: Can I compare the thoughts we might see with several personality disorders in response to hypothetical situations?

The 10 Personality Disorders:

Cluster A (odd, eccentric)
Paranoid Personality Disorder: pervasive pattern of distrust and hostility
Schizoid Personality Disorder: a tendency to be unresponsive to social dimensions, a loner
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: odd thinking, magical beliefs

Cluster B (erratic, dramatic)
Antisocial Personality Disorder: criminality, irresponsibility, and impulsivity
Borderline Personality Disorder: fear of abandonment, relationship difficulties
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: grandiose sense of self-importance, arrogance, sense of entitlement
Histrionic Personality Disorder: attention seeking and provocative

Cluster C (anxious, fearful)
Avoidant Personality Disorder: not engaging in social situations out of fear of humiliation and rejection
Dependent Personality Disorder: over relying on somebody for support
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: perfectionism, rigid adherence to rules

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.

Hengartner, M., Ajdacic-Gross, V., Rodgers, S., Müller, M., Haker, H., & Rössler, W. (2014). Fluid intelligence and empathy in association with personality disorder trait-scores: exploring the link. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 264(5), 441–448.

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Personality Disorder,empathy,cognitive empathy,affective empathy,Cluster A,odd,eccentric,Paranoid,Schizoid,Schizotypal,Cluster B,erratic,dramatic,Antisocial,Borderline,Narcissistic,Histrionic,Cluster C,anxious,fearful,Avoidant,Dependent,Obsessive-Compulsive,narcissistic personality disorder,grandiose narcissism,vulnerable narcissism,covert narcissism,shame,anger,aggression,hypersensitivity,

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