
Siemens Family Day 2019 Theme : We Care. GPTW Great Place To Work. Fashion Show

Siemens Family Day 2019 Theme : We Care. GPTW Great Place To Work. Fashion Show #siemensfamilyday2019 #wecare #GPTW #Greatplacetowork #siemens #fashionshow #mychoreography
GPTW- Great Place to work. Siemens in proud to be GPTW certified since 2018
And indeed, we are a Great place to work.
Everyday we have the chance to put our skills and knowledge and make a difference. Siemens gives us the opportunity to excel and grow in our careers by providing the right direction, trainings and opportunities. But it is not always only about work. Here are a few more reasons that make Siemens a great place to work
Dancercise – Exercise combined with dance!! The best recipe for our employees to get moving. Through Dancercise we can stay healthy, fit and energized

Part Time education – To advance in our careers and stay ahead in the game Siemens helps its employees by Sponsoring their part time education

Our Cricket superstars were the semifinalist in the Pentair cup and have been participating in the tournament for the past 8 years

Winners at the regional level our boys went on to win the all India Zonal level. But its not just the Men. The women’s team was also runners up at the regional level. Give it up for the Soccer Champions

With a clear focus on employee’s health we have full time Doctor and Nurse, we also have frequently visiting dietitians, counselors and doctors from various fields to give us talks on various health issues.

For new mothers getting back to work is a huge concern. But with the creche in the company premise is new moms can attend to their kids and work with peace of mind.

Through Toastmaster our employees can now Improve their communication skill and leadership skill. Public Speaking is now an activity to look forward to!!

The band, the actors, photographers, ghumat aatri , dancers – our employees got the talent and Siemens have the platform. Goa were the winners on the first Siemens got talent and continue to showcase their talents in different forums in the organization. Put your hand together for out supremely talented employees.

And finally just like we do every year we have our Siemens Family day! Because above all WE CARE for our family! Thank you to our family members for supporting us day in and day out and help us be successful at work.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Greatest place to work – SIEMENS!!


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