
The Distinction between the Salaf and the Khawarij || Shaykh Abdullah Nasir Rehmani حفظه الله

The Distinction between the Salaf and the Khawarij || Shaykh Abdullah Nasir Rehmani  حفظه الله Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله, said:
“And it is not the right of anyone to impute kufr on anyone of the Muslims even if he errs and does wrong until evidence is established upon him and the matter is made clear to him. And the one whose Islaam is affirmed with certainty then it ceases not to exist with him due to doubt. Rather his (state) of Islaam comes to an end only after the establishment of the proof and the elimination of the unclarity.” [Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, v. 12, p. 501]


Translated by: SRI Team


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salafi,khawarij,abdullah nasir rehmani,suicide bombing,islam,takfeer,

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