Those who choose to remain faithful will see it all come to pass. You will see my plans continue to grow and mature. It will be a great time for many, but it will be a terrible time for others. So make yourself ready now, while you still can. Do not resist my spirit, or my instructions, but humble yourself and allow me to guide you and also prepare you. (2)
Allow me to reassure your heart in the matters you have concerns. Allow my voice to speak to you, guiding you according the tasks of the day, and all that matters to you. (3)
(1) Deuteronomy 1:8, Numbers 33:53, Hebrews 11:6
(2) Galatians 6:9, James 4:10, 1 Peter 5:6
(3) Matthew 6:8, Psalm 32:8, Isaiah 30:21
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