
Infinite Personalities: Credit Head

Infinite Personalities:  Credit Head The Head of Credit is the financial bouncer, keeping minors from the gate,

Low credit scores, weak financials, and others must wait.

Under-aged, and underperforming minors, such as these,

Nothing but problems; nothing but financial disease.

The Credit Head checks everyone with all the credit scores,

Good and bad loans, workouts, and any other funding wars.

This money bouncer is tough on real estate deals without proper backing,

Rejecting poor credit, weak leases, and other types of cash flow hacking.

Credit Head is beyond just local – going regional, national, international,

Check everyone, every place everywhere, being fair and rational.

If your real estate portfolio performance is truly a train wreck,

The Bouncer kicks you out of line, without any further credit check.

Observation: The Credit Head is about creditworthiness, and nothing else. Personal financial statements, project performance, contingent liabilities, lawsuits, foreclosures, and payment history all get scrutinized.

Motto: "Give credit where credit is due."

Quote: “Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable.” - Loretta Young


Infinite Personalities: Searching for the Stars

By John Oharenko

Published by The Real Estate Capital Institute®

Like the stars in the universe, human personalities seem endless...

Infinite Personalities: Searching for the Stars, explores various “stars” performing on the stage of the real estate business world. These stars are judged as “the good,” “the bad,” and “the ugly” per the title taken from the classic 1966 Spaghetti Western movie.

Instead of focusing on personal behavior psychology, Infinite Personalities investigates realty industry roles, operating styles, behavioral temperament, and other notable variables shaping these stars. Unique Cartoon characters illustrate each star, further described using poetry rhymes, observations, mottos, and applicable quotations.

As the book title suggests, the Infinite Personalities is an open-ended, unfinished project. This writing is not a textbook or technical work, but an animated discussion of human nature. The various caricatures mentioned appear as relevant today, as they were in the past, and will be in the future. New personalities await discovery. So, please visit to explore new characters.

Ultimately, hoping Infinite Personalities will help you find your persona, as well as spot real estate stars!

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