
RTI: You are Allowed to Carry Food in Theatres

RTI: You are Allowed to Carry Food in Theatres Going for a movie in a theatre is so exciting! However whenever we go for a movie there are many rules we must follow. Such as keeping the phone on silent, talking softly, etc. However there is one rule which nobody likes. This is rule where people are allowed to carry eatables inside the theatres.Vijay Gopal from Hyderabad, had filed an RTI application with the government asking whether this rule is right or wrong.

The government responded to the RTI application and said that, “There is no law in the Indian Constitution which can stop a movie-goer from carrying their own food inside a movie hall” Since theatres would not allow people to carry food inside, they would make huge profits by selling of food and beverages. Plus the expensive tickets also helped to increase their profits.But still many theatres do not allow people to carry food inside the theatres.

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